Have you ever realized that whenever you are nervous or anxious, your stomach starts growling? Or do You get anxious when you have an upset stomach?
Well, you must have. But how gut and brain can be connected? and how Gut Brain Connection can affect mental health? We’ll find out now!
Many people think that the digestive system is just a physical process of food breakdown and absorption of nutrients. However, there is also a complex connection between the gut and the brain known as GUT BRAIN AXIS.
Gut Brain Connection Good for Mental Health
Scientists have researched and found that there is a second brain, hidden in the walls of the gut, known as the ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. It is comprised of hormones and thousands of nerves extending from the esophagus to the rectum. This second brain does not think or function like our brain in the skull but its actual function is to control the process of digestion, like the movement of food through the GI tract and secretion of digestive enzymes. Along with that it also sends signals to the brain, affecting our thoughts emotions, and behaviors. This is the reason that people with IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) experience anxiety and depression.
- Second Brain
- Enteric Nervous System (ENS)
- The Esophagus
- The Rectum
- GI – Gastrointestinal tract
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Researches have shown that the Gut can produce effects on the brain and vice versa. For example, the gut produces hormones, such as serotonin, that can affect our mood. Not only his, but GUT MICROBIOME, which trillions of microorganisms living in the gut, also produces profound effects on our mental health. This is the reason that some of the probiotics (live bacteria and yeast in the gut) are known PSYCHOBIOTICS. Studies have shown that a probiotic called BIFIDOBACTERIUM LONGUM can improve symptoms of moderate anxiety in IBS. Similarly, prebiotics (dietary fibers; od for gut bacteria) also affects mental health and a study shows that a prebiotic. GALACTO OLIGOSACCHARIDE reduces the level of stress hormone, called CORTISOL.
This shows that psychological problems like stress, anxiety, and depression can be a product or cause of many Gastrointestinal problems and also explains the effective response of many intestinal problems to psychologically-based approaches.
In conclusion, by understanding this fascinating connection ad taking steps to promote a healthy gut, we can improve out mental health and wellness.
But what will be those steps?
Stay with Healthy Hub, We’ll talk about it later!